Monday 8 December 2014

DIY clay/fimo gift tags

I absolutely love Christmas as it's the perfect excuse for me to get crafty! Over the next few weeks I may write a few more Christmas DIY posts.

I found air dry fimo in my draw and thought making some special gift tags for the important people in my life would be a nice touch to any present! 

Here's how: 

1. Roll out your clay or Fimo using a rolling pin.

2. I used a cookie cutter to get a nice crisp shape. My personal favorites were hearts and stars. 

3. I then used clean alphabet stamps to write the names. 

4. Don't forget to make a hole for the string! You can use a needle or pin to make a perfect hole. You could also wait till the fimo is dry and paint on the names. 

5. Then either wait 24 hours for it to dry or microwave/place in the oven. 

6. Once completely hardened, gift wrap your presents with string and thread the the gift tag through. 

You can also make these into great Christmas tree decorations!

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