Sunday 28 December 2014

Photography bucket list!

I can't believe that 2014 is almost at an end! Its been a whirl wind of a year, with so much going on professionally and personally in my life. A new year is an opportunity to review the things that happened in the past 12 months, and plan to be more successful in the future.

This got me thinking, what about all the things I want to photograph, not only the next year but over the course of my life. With this in mind I decided to make a photography bucket list. If I'm ever stuck for ideas I can turn to the list for inspiration. I haven't yet tired some of the things on the list as they are technically challenging or I don't yet have the right equipment.

Below is some of the inspiration for these goals. 

#2 Glitter. (Unknown artist)

#4 Underwater shot (photo by Jvdas Berra)

#21. 50's inspired shoot (Unknown photographer)

#13. A mermaid (Tim walker)

#11 A nude. (Man Ray)

Hope this post has given you some ideas for your own photography bucket list, check out pinterest for loads of inspiration!

Happy New Year everyone! x

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