Thursday 19 February 2015


Thought I'd give you guys a little update on the projects that I'm currently working on. At the moment there are a few things I have going on and also planning some exciting projects for the near future. 

Photo shoots with musician Zara Kershaw

A few weeks ago I had a lovely day out shooting with the very talented Zara Kershaw. (Check out her facebookpage here :Zaras facebook) Her music is definitely something I would listen to and I really liked her ideas for the shoot, so we walked around the lanes doing a shoot. 

As well as some simple portrait shots, we wanted to experiment with some digital collage, layering different textures/patterns. Something like this:

Photos by Matt Wisniewski
I'm really excited about getting started with these. I haven't done that much digital collage in this style so I feel a little out of my comfort zone but its good to push yourself! 


I've probably gone on a little too much about candyland for the last month but heres a quick update on the progress.

 Last week I thought I had finished it, and was so excited to start properly shooting it. The weather was nice, and not raining for once so I took candyland outside (with extra caution) but I didnt realise that it was pretty windy. The background was blown over, onto candyland, which resulted in a few broken things. (Nothing that cant be fixed though!). I pushed on, took a few photos to see how it looked, and I really wasn't happy with the outcome, so here is a few bits I need to fix. 

Really looking forward to getting dressed up and doing a self portrait to photoshop into candyland though, and hopefully it won't be too long now!

Exhibition at the Brighton Museum with Art in Mind

Every monday I go to my volunteer art group at Mind. We run art workshops with people who are recovering from mental illnesses, as well as exhibiting our own work. On Saturday 7th of March we will be showing our work down at the Brighton Museum, near the pavilion. 

The work for the exhibition was based around one object that has helped us recover. As photography has been really therapeutic in my recovery, I decided to make some cameras, out of clay (obviously not functioning...). 

I made a 35mm film camera, a twin lens camera (although unfortunately I don't own one) and my instax mini camera. Hopefully some of my photography will be exhibited alongside these! 

Come down to the Brighton Museum on Saturday 7th of March to see them, I should be there as well!

Photography workshops with art group. (Spring/summer)

I've always wanted to run a photography workshop and now I have a chance to! The adult art group I also help out with have shown some interest in learning about photography and doing a workshop. I think it'll be in the spring/summer time, when we can go outside and explore without the worry of wet cameras! 

I'm going to write a list of things that the group can go take photos of, but it wont be obvious, like a tree or something, it'll be more like 'Take a photo of something that reminds you of a memory'

If anyone is interested in maybe taking part in a workshop, please do let me know! 

If your still with me, thanks so much for reading this! 
Becky x

Wednesday 11 February 2015

10 vintage photos that need an explanation. (They will make your day)

#1 In times before the batmobile
2#    If you haven't heard, pandas make the best goalies 
#3 Dirty (yet skilled) monkey
#4  Can someone explain? 

#5 Someone call ghost busters
#6 'Nothing to see here, move along.' 
#7 In the days before photoshop, there was always the carpet to cover grandma. 
#8 Before health and safety, when kids LOVED saws. 
#9 The cats expression screams 'WHY?' 
    #10 'Sir, you appear to have something...nevermind.' 

    Hope you guys enjoyed checking these pictures out, I sure had fun finding them! Cameras have seen some weird things since their beginning and these photos leave so many unanswered questions! 
    Planning on doing a few more blog posts like this in the future so keep update with me via my facebook page 
    Ciao for now! x