Wednesday 11 February 2015

10 vintage photos that need an explanation. (They will make your day)

#1 In times before the batmobile
2#    If you haven't heard, pandas make the best goalies 
#3 Dirty (yet skilled) monkey
#4  Can someone explain? 

#5 Someone call ghost busters
#6 'Nothing to see here, move along.' 
#7 In the days before photoshop, there was always the carpet to cover grandma. 
#8 Before health and safety, when kids LOVED saws. 
#9 The cats expression screams 'WHY?' 
    #10 'Sir, you appear to have something...nevermind.' 

    Hope you guys enjoyed checking these pictures out, I sure had fun finding them! Cameras have seen some weird things since their beginning and these photos leave so many unanswered questions! 
    Planning on doing a few more blog posts like this in the future so keep update with me via my facebook page 
    Ciao for now! x

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