Monday 27 July 2015

Quick HOW TO: Make a photo bookmark

Well hey hey! 
This weeks creative tutorial is: How to make a photo bookmark!
This is a very simple way to make a book mark from one of your photographs or a photo that you like! I’ve used my own photography for this. 

You will need:
  • Your favorite photograph (cropped so its long) 
  • Glue
  • Thick cardboard, I’ve used mount board
  • Stanley knife and metal ruler (mine has a metal edge)
  • Hole punch
  • Some pretty string or ribbon of your choice. 
So heres what to do:
  1. Glue your photograph onto the card, I wanted a black side so I stuck the photograph onto the white side. 
  2. Using the Stanley knife and metal ruler (dont use plastic as the knife may cut through it), carefully cut around the photograph. If the cardboard is thick, you may need cut the lines a few times. 
  3. Now you should have the photograph nicely glued and cut onto the cardboard! So now using a hole punch, make a hole in the top on the photograph. 
  4. Now just tie some string or ribbon through the hole you've made and your done! 
Step 2

step 3

These bookmarks are great for presents or to sell at craft fairs! You could even personalize them with a photograph of you and your friends and give it as a present. 

Monday 20 July 2015

'What should I bring to the shoot?' A client guide to a photoshoot.

Getting a little stuck on what to wear or dress your child in for a photo shoot? Never fear, here is my tips on preparing for your photos! 

For solo shoots

The beautiful Sabrina Gunston. Check out her music here
Solo shoots can be anything from your simple head shots to glamour shots or promotional pics for artists. The types of clothes will be different depending on the type of photos but here are some tips:
  • For classic headshots, for modeling or acting photos, its best to wear either plain black or white, to seem more professional. 
  • If you're planning on a fashion shoot or promotional pics then it's best to bring a range of outfits, ones that depict your style and fashion sense. maybe 3 or 4 different outfits depending on how many photos you require. 
  • Be prepared for all types of weather! It may look sunny but it could be windy too, so prepare for this by bringing hair ties and bobby pins. 
  • Bring your make up with you in case a touch up is needed. 
  • Bra straps can be a nightmare, so make sure your wearing one that is well fitted and doesn't show under your clothes. 
  • Props! Don't forget to bring anything that you might want as prop, for example you may want your guitar if you're musician. Or to try something fun, you could get some bright lollipops. 

For baby shoots

Babies can be a little tricky to photograph if they're having a bad day, but there are some tips to make the best of the situation! 

  • Always bring baby wipes with you to clean any drool or boogers away!
  • A change of nappies (although this probably goes without saying)
  • A change of outfits.
  • Book your shoot around the time that the baby is mostly awake, and fits in with your daily routine. 
  • Keep their favourite toys at hand to get a smile 
  • Keep those little toe and fingernails trim for some super cute close up shots. 
  • Figure out if you would like to be the photo as well, for example holding the baby, if so remember to keep your nails neat too!

For children shoots

  • Explain the idea behind the shoot and why you want some nice photos before taken your children. 
  • Let them have a little play before getting them to pose, let them relax and get comfortable with the photographer. 
  • Take them somewhere where they can interact naturally with the environment, like a park. 
  • Bring some toys!
  • And maybe a treat for posing so well. A little bribery always helps, although nothing too messy!
  • A change of clothes is always good incase they get muddy. 
  • Bring any costumes that they have, it can sometimes give them more confidence if they dress up as their favourite character. 
  • If you choose to book a surreal shoot with me please bring along any toys that you want to be included. The more the better!

For maternity shots

  • Gather some props, like baby shoes, ultrasounds, and little baby grows. 
  • Do bring your partner! This helps you relax and it'd be great if they could get involved as well
  • Wear something comfortable. 

Other advice

  • Always chat to the photographer regarding any worries or issue you have about your session.
  • Brainstorm ideas and run they by the photographer before the shoot. 
  • Look for inspiration, pinterest is great for this!
  • Check the weather forecast!
  • Bring and friend or family member for support if your nervous.
Hope this helps, for further advice or to book in your next shoot please email at 

Thank you
Becky x

Wednesday 15 July 2015

JULY favorites and projects

One of my favorite types of blog posts to read or watch on youtube are monthly favorites. This basically consists of the blogger reviewing and showing things that they've loved that particular month. I thought I'd give this ago as well as giving an update on some of my current projects.

I'll try to just show things in my favorites that have inspired me creatively, otherwise my list would probably be too long! 

Crystal jewellery

This month I've been working on some new jewellery for my other business, Tick tock jewellery (Please check out the facebook page here) and I've been slightly obsessed with all things crystaly or Gem like. I'm not sure why, I think it kinda makes me feel a little witchy and magical! 

Here are some of my favorite etsy shops for crystal jewellery:

Royal Palaces. 

After visiting the Alcazar in Seville, spain, I realised that I probably take for granted the beautiful palace we have here in Brighton. Of course I'm talking about the Royal Pavilion. But luckily enough for me, I've been asked to photograph a wedding down at the Royal Pavilion later this year! Earlier this week I got to go around the pavilion and check out the lighting, and I was stunned with the ornate decoration that is still intact after so long. 

Loving in the life of luxury! 

The beautiful gardens of the Alcazar. 
So after my visit to the royal pavilion I began to google some wedding photography from that location. Here are my favorites:

Photo by Emma Lucy Photography

I'll be sure to make a blog post with my own photos after the wedding which is in August!


After watch Jurassic world last month I've had an urge to do a Dinosaur shoot, with a whole range of them! In the past I've done shoots with a child's favorite toy, which happens to be a T-rex but now I want to make one even bigger but using a whole load of dinosaur toys! I'm currently on the look out in charity shops for realistic looking dinosaur toys ;) 

PS If you liked the first Jurassic Park then I really recommend going to see Jurassic world. Although its pretty cheesey and far fetched but it brings as much excitement and entertainment as the first (although the second and third weren't great...)

Up and coming projects

I tend to have a few projects running at once, and immerse myself in creative work. So here are some things that I'm currently working on.

Candyland part 2 : The candy Palace. 
I LOVED making the first candyland, although it did take alot of time, and I always knew that I wanted to make a series of them. Well there is no time like the present! Planning everything out took most of the time, figuring out how to make things out off a pile of sweets aint easy! After sketching out the ideas for the palace (inspired my obsession with the alcazar in Spain) I knew roughly what sweets I needed. So I took a little trip down to a large Pick n' Mix store in the Brighton's North street (think it was actually just called 'CANDY'). I spent a whopping £10 on pick n' mix :/ and I can't even get to eat any of it! 

The start of candy palace...

Tick Tock Jewellery

I'm still working on some jewellery, as I'm hoping to have a craft fair coming up soon. Its been a nice change for me to work creatively on something other than photography, although I do feel like I'm slighting cheating on photography...
However I figure that anything that brings in money actually helps pay for advertising for my photography! 
Below are some of my recent makes, all avalible to buy at my online store, 

Unicorn Necklace - £4

Moon and stars £6

Rhodonite gem stone £6

Hope everyone is having a fab july! 

Saturday 4 July 2015

Adventures in sunny Seville!

My boyfriend had to go to a conference in Seville this june, and partners were allowed on the trip. We thought we may as well take advantage of this and stay for a week, to properly site see as the conference was only 3 days.

We stayed in a lovely little Hostal called Hostal paralade, this is the trip adviser page for them. I would highly recommend this place!

Me not really enjoying a frozen yogurt but it did look so good!

The Alcazar 

The alcazar of Seville is the oldest royal palace in Europe and is still home to some of current spanish royals. It's incredibly beautiful and has been featured in a number of films and tv shows such as Game of Thrones.

This was definitely on my to do list of seville and it did not disappoint! We did however have a little trouble finding it as it was so close to the cathedral which is huge, it got a little over shadowed.

Price: 9.5 Euros
TIP: wear a hat and suncream!

Me and Chris

The old baths. Unfortunately not in working order, otherwise I'm pretty sure I would have gone for a dip!

Traditional Flamenco!

Seville is famous for its traditional flamenco shows, so of course we had to see one while here! There are so many different shows to choose from and trip advisor is probably a good way to find the best shows in town. We went to see a flamenco show at a place called 'Casa de la memoria' which you have to book in advance for as it gets quite busy. The dancing was amazing, but read up on the history of flamenco before if you can so you understand a little story behind it. 

Price: 18 euros per person without food. 

The Cathedral 

When in the main centre of town, the cathedral is very hard to miss! It is the oldest cathedral in europe and is definitely worth a visit. Its the largest gothic cathedral in the world and the third largest cathedral. The cathedral was built to depict the city's wealth in 1402. 

TIP: to find out more about the cathedral, you can borrow an audio guide in different languages at a small cost. However there is information written in both spanish and England different sections of the cathedral.

Price: 9 Euros per person, 4 euros for students.

Christopher Colmbuses Tomb. 

Plaza de Espana! 

This is an absolute gem in Seville! Plus its free! The plaza itself is stunning in design and decoration. It was built to showcase spain's industry and technology in the Ibero-American world fair of 1928.  

Boat rides are available around the plaza, I wish we could have done this but we were short of time. 

Interesting fact: Part of Star wars (attack of the clones) was filmed in the plaza.  

The streets of Seville

Even just ordinary apartments in Seville are visually stunning. Taking a walk down the streets of the city is an exhibition in itself. The main centre of town hosts many shops, some local and some international.

An area that has a particularly beautiful view which loads of choices of Tapas bars is Santa Cruz. Santa Cruz is located near the cathedral and the Alcazar. Its a lovely location for dinner!

Thank you for reading and I definitely recommend Seville as a top tourist location! 

Becky x