Sunday 20 September 2015

DIY bucket list book

Being a little low on money I decided to make my boyfriends anniversary present. We're always spending time googling what films to watch and where to eat so I made a bucket list type book of all the place we can go and things we can watch. 

The time spent making the book was in the research for films and restaurants and stamping the lettering! 

The book would make a great present for a family member or partner but why not make one for yourself?! 

Ideas for making your own bucket list book:
  • Create sections in the book for different things, such as 'places to visit' or 'Foods to try'
  • Add a section where you can review or make notes on the thing you've done. I used 5 hearts, and once we've completed something we colour how many hearts we think the experience should get. 
  • Use stamps to write or decorate the book. I got most of my rubber stamps from hobbycraft and tiger, super cheap and I've had tonnes of use out of them!
  • Add stickers at the back of the book to mark when you've completed something. 
  • Leave space for future ideas!
  • If you want to travel a lot, add a map to mark off the places you've been! 
  • Add easy things to do as well, maybe even just films you've always wanted to see

These are the stickers we'll use to mark what experiences we've done!

Good luck in making your own!

By the way, my boyfriend loved the present and we've already tricked some things off!

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