Saturday 1 November 2014

How to: Halloween, POP ART make-up tutorial.

Hey guys! 
So I thought I'd do a little tutorial for a cheap and easy halloween costume: Pop art make-up! You don't need to spend loads of money on a costume, just a little creativity and time! 

What you'll need:

  • black face paint or lots of liquid eye liner. 
  • Red face paint
  • Bright eyeshadow
  • white face paint.
  • extra: paper and colouring pens for accessories like the bow. 

  1. After putting your foundation on as per usual, paint in these areas: the outline of your face shape, your eyebrows, cheekbones, around your nose, and a line directly down your nose. 

2. Using a bright coloured eye shadow, colour your eyelids dramatically. I used purple, but most colours work well. Then using the black face paint, draw a line around the eyeshadow and add a winged eye-line effect. 

3. Paint in the red dots using the end of a paintbrush and the red face paint. Cover the whole of your face and if you want, your neck and chest as well. 
4. I left the lips till last as they needed the most repainting. I used a bright pink lipstick and then drew around the shape of my lips using the liquid eye liner. I then added a small bit of white face paint in the corner. 


To really add a pop art effect, you could make props out of photo paper and colouring pens. I drew a bow and later attached it with a hair grip and cello tape. You could also make speech bubble signs to hold up saying things like 'POW!' 'BOOM!'. Below is some actual pop art for inspiration:

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