Friday 7 November 2014

Photo-a-day for a month challenge. Week 1.

So I set myself the personal challenge of a photo-a-day for a month, starting in November. I wanted to really push myself and hopefully get more people interested in my work.

 I think I underestimated how difficult it would be, for a few reasons. Firstly I'm a perfectionist so usually if I don't like the photo, I won't upload it, but I don't have time to re-shoot every day so I just have to show what I've done. Secondly, I hate photographing myself, as I always end up criticising how I look and with this challenge I don't have time to find models and its often quicker to use myself. In some ways its probably good to do a challenge that really tests me mentally, to overcome the obstacles within my work. 

Day 1 

Day 2

Day 3 - Comfort.

Day 4 - Paper Thin.

Day 5-On/OFF

Day 6 - Shaken

Day 7 - Reflections. 

One week down and 3 to go! Hope everyone is well, hoping to do some technical photography blog posts soon! 

Becky x

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