Tuesday 17 March 2015

Creating the moon [scenery creation for shoot]

Although annoying at times, I did really enjoy the building of Candyland. My second idea for a kids shoot, maybe one that would appeal to boys as well, was a trip to the moon! Obviously there was no way of me taking good enough photos (without a really expensive camera) of the moon, so I decided to make one!

I took inspiration from the Wallace and Gromit episode with the cheese moon. 

I moulded the moon out of air dry clay, using just my hands as I didn't have any modeling tools. The pole in the middle is for a flag which I can use to write the name of the child in the shoot. 

This is the basic layout I'll use for the set. 

After painting the background a navy blue colour, I added some stars with yellow paint. 

Here is the moon in front of the background with a little flag.  
Here's the cute alien I made to accompany the little astronauts on their trip! 

I am now on a search to find a brave 
young soul to be the first to travel
 to the moon. Any parents interested in a free shoot, please contact me via email becky.netley@live.co.uk 

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