Friday 6 March 2015

Where to shop for camera equipment...

Its come to my attention recently that its getting harder and harder to buy cameras and their equipment in actual shops. Buying from actual shops has benefits like asking for advice about the product, checking it out, and asking about the refund policy (just in case anything were to happen).

Where I got my equipment 

Above is a photo of my Canon 60D which I've had for almost 4 years. I got it in Jessops when they were still around. It was really helpful to get some sound advice when I was planning on spending a large amount of money and just by chance I got a free memory card as well! 

Other equipment such as my tripod and flashgun have been brought from charity shops, although a little risky they have been a great find! 

Places to buy from

If your from brighton there's a great little shop called 'clock tower cameras' (photo below). It's mainly second hand stock but at affordable prices and good advice! 

Also check out: 
• curry's 
• ebay 
• charity shops/second hand shops 
• gumtree 
• the Friday ad. 

Some things to lookout for 

• Reviews. Before you buy any equipment, unless it's a cheap charity shop buy, check out the reviews online about both the product and the online seller. 

• cheaper deals. Check around different sites to see if you can get a better deal. 

• Returns/ refund policy. 

• make sure that the equipment your buying is compatible with your camera. 

Have a great weekend everyone! 
Becky x

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