Monday 24 August 2015

1 family, 5 years, 5 shoots...

Every year for 5 years I've had a shoot with a special mum and her son. Young mum, Stevie-anne has been a friend of my sister since they were little, and when I was in college, Stevie was my very client! Now 5 years later, little cameron has grown and hopefully so have my photography skills!

Heres the journey...

Year 1 

We choose the beach for our first shoot, little cam here was only 2 at the time. 

Year 2

Year 2 was set in a park which had loads of trees and horses. Cam was still extremely shy and nervous around the camera. 

Year 3 

Year 3 and my photography style had started to develop, I began experimenting with photoshop, creating my now signature style of surreal photography. Cam's favourite thing at the time was superheros, so I wanted to show this in the photos...

Year 4 

Stevie and cam had a new addition to their family, little Poppy, the jack russel. She was a bundle of energy and it was difficult to keep her still long enough for a photo. 

Year 5 

Can't believe that this is the 5th year of shoots! Cam is now almost 7 and is getting more confident.
I know I can make him into his favourite superheros so hes not fussed about the camera anymore. 

Cam still loves his superheroes. 
I brought my dog, alfie on the shoot and he really got on well with Cam. Love this shot of them. 

A massive thank you to Stevie-anne for choosing me to document her son growing up, its been such fun! 

Bring on next years shoot!

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