Wednesday 26 August 2015

Dealing with criticism.

As a lot of people do, I struggle with dealing taking criticism, even if it's trying to be constructive. Even when I know people are trying to be helpful, it still stings to hear the things that could or in their opinion need to changed. The reasons I think criticism is difficult for most of us to swallow is because 
  1. It makes us doubt ourselves and our skills
  2. It can make us feel belittled 
  3. It can make us angry if the personal has no knowledge of the subject they are criticizing 

The difficulties of being creative. 

The reason I never went to university was that I didn't want tutors telling me that I shouldn't do a certain project or that my idea wasn't want they wanted to hear. I didn't want their criticism! To me that kind of criticism can be damaging to your creativity, it can crush any ideas you have. It actually wasn't until I left education that I was naturally able to develop my own style. 

When someone criticises your artform you can choose whether or not to take their ideas on board. If they are an expert in the field and you value their opinion then its probably useful to you to listen. But on the other hand if they have no knowledge of your skills and you don't agree with what they are saying then you have every right to dismiss their ideas. 

I personally feel that there are few right or wrongs within artforms, and most criticism is just people's personal opinions, which can still be painful to hear.  

Heres some ideas to help you deal with criticism:
  • Figure out whether it was destructive or constructive criticism. If it was constructive try to keep in mind that they are only trying to be helpful. 
  • Keep yourself empowered.  You have every right to say 'no I don't agree with this and I wont take it on board', it is your life afterall!
  • Bite your tongue and let them explain. If it's a friend or family member giving you feedback, its easy to become defensive and snap back but take a second to listen to their reasoning, is there anything useful in what they are saying. Remember that they are only trying to help you.
  • Accept that you're not perfect - But no one is!
  • Keep a compliments journal. If criticism has caused you to doubt yourself, keep a journal of all the compliments you have received. I bet they outweigh the negative opinions! 
  • Check out some advice from experts (see the video below for some great advice)

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