Saturday 8 August 2015

My favorite instagram accounts to follow

I've recently become slightly addicted to Instagram, and its no wonder really, with thousands of accounts and tonnes of awesome people to follow! The accounts I follow usually tend to be art or photography based, but I also like some food, fashion and pet accounts as well. Here are my favs..

@mermaidens  - I simply love the style of Kailey Flyte and adore her outfits and photos. Think pink! 

@Joelrobison   This guy has some serious skills and I've personally been a fan of his work for a while, so following his account was a no brainer for me.

@arts_help is a great account that showcases artists of instagram, helping them to gain followers. Check it out for some amazing work.

@Alexbeadon - If your a business owner or freelancer and you haven't checked out this girls videos, then get on it! Alex shares such useful info on how to build your business. Her instagram is full of inspiration as well.
@happy.soul - Self taught artist who creates these beautiful illustrations that are simply instagram gold! 
@bodyposipanda - This girl is such an inspiration, she openly talks about her recovery from an eating disorder and she is proof that recovery is possible! She posts inspirational and body positive images! 

@Effyourbeautystandards  This account was set up by super famous plus size model Tess Holiday. She campaigns for plus size women everywhere to feel good about themselves. I love seeing pics of photoshoots with plus size women. Follow this account for inspiring pics and quotes!

Don't forget to follow me as well  @beckynetleyphotography 

Have a great weekend everyone!

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