Monday, 30 November 2015

Photographing in low light - Tips and tricks...

Low light can be a real annoyance to photographers, especially when flash isn't an option. I've compiled a list of tips and tricks to help you out during a shoot with low light. As well as this i've also added  little section on how to fix bad lighting in post production on photoshop!

So let's start with when you're actually shooting...

  • Up the ISO. ISO is a setting on your digital camera which will help you control the brightness of your photos. I won't go into too much detail as it can get confusing but all you need to remember is the higher the iso number (for example 800)  the more light is allowed in BUT the photo will have more noise or grain the higher you get. For example ISO 100 won't be as grainy as 800. 
  • Use a lower shutter speed. The slower the shutter speed, the more light will get to the sensor. Be aware that a slow shutter will capture more movement blur. Using a tripod will stop any camera shake from your hand. A lower shutter speed can be great for evening or nighttime landscapes

An example of a slow shutter capturing the movement of the car lights. Photo by oneviewphotography

  • Use a shallow aperture. Just like the shutter speed, aperture controls the light being let into the sensor but it also controls the depth of field. For more information on shutter and aperture please see my other blog post here. Using a shallow aperture such as F 2.8 can not only let in more light but also look great! 
an example of a shallow depth of field. 
Heres an example of using bounce flash..
  • Use a flash gun. Sometimes using flash isn't possible, for example during certain gigs or wedding ceremonies. However a add on flash (aka not the pop up flash on your camera) can create great lighting when used correctly. There are different ways to use a flashgun, creating different effects but my personal favourite is a bounce flash. This is when you point the flash gun to the ceiling so that the light it the ceiling and creates a more natural light in the photo. Do some research and have a play around with your flashgun before using it on a client shoot! 

Fixing it in photoshop

Sometimes photos will come out dark, even if you try all the techniques above so that's where the power of photoshop comes in. Here is a few simple ways to get a better exposed photo in photoshop.

Use levels. To find the levels setting go to Image > adjustments > levels OR ctrl + L
Using the sliders in the box you can control how light/dark you want your image.

Another way to change the exposure of the image is to use Brightness/contrast. You can find this by going to image> adjustments> brightness/contrast.

Hope this is useful! Thanks for reading and don't forget to check back weekly for new tutorials and photographs!

Becky x

Wednesday, 25 November 2015

DIY animal toy christmas decorations - Easy!

This year I told myself I would try out some new christmas crafts and write more diy and tutorial blog posts, so here is my first festive tutorial!

I originally brought these plastic toy animals online for a different DIY but I stupidly didn't look at the size and they are way too small for what I intended. But thanks to the wonder of the internet, I got
some inspiration to make them into christmas tree decorations.

All you'll need is:

  • toy plastic animals or dinosaurs
  • Jewellery eye hook 
  • a little bit of superglue
  • Nail varnish (colours of your choice!)
  • Ribbon or string. 

I brought a pack of 12 wild animal toys of Ebay for £2! 
I added a hook into the animal using a small drill, but the plastic was fairly easy to puncture so I reckon you could do it with some elbow grease and a pin. Before I put the hook in I dipped it into superglue to ensure it would stay. 

I decided I wanted some of the animals gold, so I just used this Barry M nail varnish to coat them. There are loads of different patterns and colours you could try!

You could try two tones...

or glitter or polka dots! 

Once the animals are dry all you need to do it tie string or ribbon through the hook and whey, you're done!

They'll be more christmas DIY tutorials coming soon! 


Tuesday, 3 November 2015

Pop up shop - 'WE ARE' 9th-15th Nov

I've always loved the idea of a pop up shop! Its such a great way to sell handmade goods, without the commitment of a long term lease. I ran one just over a year ago.  I'd asked a few friends if they wanted to exhibit some work as it was a large space and I didn't think I could fill it on my own.

I wouldn't say that it was a total success, but I know where I went wrong and what changes I'll make for next time.

So recently I heard about a community project called 'Somewhere to _' which helps 16-25 years olds get a creative space for whatever their medium is (I've put the contact info below). I contacted them about a pop up shop they were offering people, and a few weeks later I had to pitch my idea to them and the shop owners. Needless to say I was bricking it! But fortunately I was offered to share a pop up shop with Monster Pie Inclusive Arts, a scope associated art group.

 We have the shop called 'It is what it is' for a week starting the 9th Nov. Each day we're planning a free workshop as well as being open to customers.

Here are some things I've made to sell...

Handmade necklace using one of my photographs

As well as my photography I'll be selling my jewellery too.

All the items sold in the shop will be handmade and include works from the below artists

- Lisa Buttery - Illustration
- Anna Dunne  - Handmade bags and purses
-Artists from Monster Pie Inclusive Arts

On friday the 13th of Nov I'll be running a photo up photobooth with polaroid pics! Here I am testing out the props I made!

So if you're around Brighton between the 9th -15th of Nov pop by @
'It is what it is' 102 Gloucester Rd, brighton lanes.
we'll be open 10am-6pm Tuesday-saturday
and 11am-5pm Sunday

For more information please see our facebook event:

Somewhere to_ info: