Sunday 21 September 2014

New blog!

A little bit about me

I'm Becky, freelance photographer, who specialises in surreal family portraits. Experimenting within my personal work I created my signature style of work, which I now use in my commissioned shoots. Some examples of my work:

  • Children with their favourite toys. For example, made miniature interacting with their toys.
  • Made into fairies. 
  • Put into jars.

Personal work.

My personal work started as a experiment to see if I could create something surreal using photoshop, after being inspired by my favourite photographer, Rosie Hardy. After HOURS of work on the computer, I had finally start to be proud of what I could do. I started taking photos of myself as it was just easiest and I could do a shoot whenever I fancied! Most of the themes in my personal work come from my battle with mental illness, and taking photos of how I felt was extremely therapeutic. 

Other themes within my work are often fantasy/dream like, collecting inspiration from classic fairy tales. Here are some examples: 

What you can expect from my blog
  • Examples of my work, personal and commissioned.
  • Tutorials on photoshop and cameras.
  • Craft and DIY 'how to..'
  • Information/ advice on being a photographer. 
  • Things that inspire my work. 

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