Thursday 29 January 2015

5 reasons why we need art.

Art is a HUGE part of our lives, whether we like it or not. Art has always been within history, starting from the earliest cave and rock paintings to today's sometimes weird and wonderful modern art. But why have humans always felt a connection to getting creative in this way? Here are some theories:

  1. It makes us feel good. The famous philosopher, Plato, believes that we like beautiful things, because it shows us the things that we subsciously need in our lives. Take a beautiful landscape painting for example, some may like it because it shows a peaceful place, the thing that the viewer may be lacking, peace. Plato also believed that art was hugely therapeutic that the artists of our time were doing a duty to society. 
    Artist: Kim Casebeer. 
  2.  Its therapeutic. Many artists themselves say that the process of creating art is therapeutic and helps them deal with emotions that are too difficult to put into words. Painful thoughts can come to us visually and getting them down on paper can help us deal with them. Some of the most famous artists have turned their pain into beautiful pieces of art. 
  3. It helps us appreciate things. Artists can make even the simplest of things look beautiful, from sweet wrappers to a bit of grass, art helps us to see the beauty in the everyday things. Van gogh reminds us that oranges are also beautiful, John Constable makes us look closer at the wonder of the sky, and Tracey Emin makes us marvel at the a unmade bed. 
    Tracey Emin - My bed.

    John Constable. 

    4It makes us feel less alone in our emotions. Some art really connect with our emotions, we look at it and we just KNOW how that feeling the artist was going through. Art helps us to communicate difficult emotions as well as understand others emotions. We feel less alone when we see art that resembles something we've felt. It validates that what we were feeling is a normal human emotion and we're not allow in them! 
    Moussin Irjan 

    5. Its a form of escapism that we need from our everyday lives. Just like reading, watching TV and playing video games, art is a form of escapism. We can create just about anything our imagination comes up with, giving us that much needed freedom from the troubles of day-to-day lives. Within art you can be whoever and wherever you want. There are simply no limits within art. 
    Ani Roschier 

    Check out the awesome video below for more information and theories on why we need art: 

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