Thursday 30 April 2015

A weekend in Paris!

I've seen so many photos of Paris that made me want to go there and take some myself. So when my boyfriend asked where I wanted to go on holiday, i jumped at the chance of Paris. Unfortunately, with it being quite an expensive city, we could only afford a long weekend.

I took my digital SLR and my instax mini, with 20 shots ready. It was time for me to practice my travel photography! I usually just shoot portraits so this was a chance for me to try landscapes. 

Here is what we did:

Friday - Once we had arrived in Paris and found our apartment (which we got using airbnb! highly recommended!) we decided on taking a look around Montmartres, which was the area we were staying in. We had a noisy look around the Montmartres famous cemetery, which was home to some beautiful tombs.  

After the cemetery we headed down to check out the moulin Rouge which wasn't that far away. Being a huge fan of the film, I was excited to see the club in person!

Chris took a snap of me outside!
Saturday -  We planned to go see the Sacre coeur, Dali museum and an outside art exhibition.
We weren't staying too far from the Sacre Coeur or Dali museum so it didn't take us too long to get there, we also didn't have to walk up that epic flight of stairs to the Sacre coeur!

Sculpture from the Dali exhibition.

The view from Sacre coeur 

The famous Eiffel tower. 

We took a boat trip down the seine, where we were able to see some iconic sites. 

Sunday - It was a rainy sunday so we decided to do some museums. We went to the Arts et crafts museum and the Picasso Museum.

Statue of Liberty outside the museum of arts and craft, taken with my polaroid camera.

A collection of vintage camera at the arts and craft museum.

One of Picasso's photographs taken in his studio where he painted. 

A collection of Picasso's studies.
I couldn't visit paris without buying some of Macaroons. Now my favorite sweet treat!

Monday - Our plane was leaving at 9pm so we had some of the day to look around, although we didn't want to travel too far from our apartment. We decided to go see the Opera national de Paris and explore around that area.

Inside the department store, Galeries Lafayette

View from the top of Galeries Lafayette
View of Sacre Coeur. 

Whilst exploring the area, me and Chris came across this beautiful church just by chance. We sat and ate lunch nearby with a lovely view of it.  

I had such an amazing time over those 4 days, and would highly recommend to anyone who is artistic to go to Paris as there is so much to see and do. I'm planning on doing a blog post about free and cheap things do to as I'm a super scrimper! 

Update soon! 
Becky x

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