Monday 2 May 2016

Exploring the Algarve. Part 1: The beaches

Me and my partner, Chris, just came back from a lovely week in the Algarve of Portugal. Being a photographer, I was constantly clicking and there was certainly a lot to capture! I wanted to split this blog post into a few sections as it would be long as one! 

The beaches in Algarve are definitely one of my main reasons people come to visit the area. They are filled with golden sand, clear blue sea and stunning rock formations. There are many beaches to visit along the algarve coast and unfortunately we didn't have time to go to them all, but here are the ones we did visit. 

Praia de Dona Ana

We decided that Dona Ana was our favourite beach! It's located a short walk up from Lagos town centre and is easy to get to. The gorgeous rock formations that surrounded the area were one of the reasons we loved this beach so much. 

There's a small hut cafe where you can get a much needed refreshing beer or ice cream! 

The water was a lot colder than I expected!

The rocks make a great place to put the camera on a self timer!

Another reason why Dona Ana is my favourite beach, was because of all the shells! I spent a lot of time searching through them to find some beauties! 


A little further up from Praia Dona Ana is Praia Camilo. The best thing about this beach is its rock formations and caves, the worst is its size. It's an incredibly small beach with almost 300 step to get down to it, which is fine going down, but not back up! Although if you do make it back up, there's a restaurant close by that has great reviews. 

Praia da figueria 

This beach is located in Sagres and I think this is the only photo I got of it. We didn't stay too long here as it was a really windy day and we kept getting sand in our eyes! But I can imagine it being lovely on a calm day! 

Praia do Castelejo

Castelejo beach reminds me a lot of a the beaches in Cornwall, with similar rocks and high waves. This is definitely where all the surfers hang out! The drive down to this beach can be quite scary as you drive through the hills on a very thin road. 

Burgau Beach 

We stayed in a lovely villa in the small fishing village of Burgau. Its a gorgeous little village and we were only a 2 min walk from the beach! I can't believe this is the only photograph I took of this beach! This is a long exposure I took at night after many sangrias in the beach hut restaurant.  

So those were the beaches we visited but there are so many more to explore! 

Please keep an eye out for other my other Algarve exploring blog posts which will be posted soon. They include our photos from exploring:
- the activities available (including landmarks and view points)
- Abandoned places (super excited about writing this post and sharing the photos!)  

Becky x

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