Friday 3 October 2014

I got in the local newspaper!

Yesterday I got a text from my friend Lisa (who I voulnteer with) saying 'your photography in the argus!'. It was such a surprise to both of us that the local newspaper had printed a story about our voulnteer group, art in mind. 

Art in mind is a group of young people 18-25 who have had experiences with mental illness coming together tomake art and exhibit it in the hopes to break stigma. We also run workshops with people currently suffering with mental illnesses and give them the freedom to express their illness through art. 

Our biggest event coming up is at the Dome in Brighton. We're showcasing our work to the public on world mental health day and opening the room to anyone with an interest in art to join in some workshops! 

The argus wrote a small article about the exhibition using quotes from Lisa along with my photo! 

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